Creating and Remembering Passwords

By Jessica Razza-Lindsey

You would think creating a password is a simple task, but creating one that you'll be able to remember, now that can be tricky. Here are some tips to creating a memorable and safe password.

1.     One word: You don't want to have to remember several words, try sticking to one word that is easy for you to remember and then make it more secure by using the tips below. 
2.     A number: A good password has a number in it somewhere. You should not use a number that is important to you that your close friends can guess. (i.e., number on your sports jersey, birth year, house number, etc.). If you're creative, you can use numbers instead of letters, like a 1 for an L or a 0 for an O.
3.     A capital: The easiest way to remember where you put the capital is to put it where it would normally be; the beginning of a word. To keep your password even more secure, capitalize a random letter in your password.
4.     A symbol: Sometimes you are required to use a symbol. The symbols are  ~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _ - + = { } [ ] \ | : ; " ' < > , . ? /. You could use the @ to replace an a or the $ to replace an s.

Remembering your password:

·       Write it down. If you have bad memory, or tend to forget passwords, write it down and keep it somewhere only you go, like your sock drawer.
·       Create a hint. Some sites will let you write down a hint if you forget your password. (ex. hint: Spanish class. password: Failing45).

·       Keep a list. Keep a list of websites and passwords. This can be easily kept on your cellphone, or you can write it down on a piece of paper. Disguise the document by making the document title something like “English Paper”.  Make sure you update the list whenever you change your password.

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