360 Videos

Youtube's 360 Videos

by Chris Rybicki 2016

All the time people discover new and interesting features that you can do with the iPad. Sometimes this is a new app, or a convenient shortcut - but for me yesterday, I had discovered perhaps the coolest feature on one of the apps I knew inside and out.

This app is YouTube. As the world's hub for video content, I use the platform a lot to watch videos related to personal interests and hobbies I have, as well as watching tutorials and lectures for school and news to keep me up to date. But yesterday I found out about the most peculiar feature - 360 degree video.

Though I had heard of this feature before, I had believed it only worked on new phones, and had never tried it with the old iPad. So when I saw a video mentioning it, I quickly found some videos to try it out with and it worked! It's quite interesting to use - since you have a complete view around you, it feels more immersive and realistic. By tilting and rotating your iPad around you, you have a special "lens" through which you watch the video, responding accurately to your minute wrist movements.

To get the most out of the feature, I sat in a desk chair that could be spun, so instead of moving my iPad around awkwardly, I could just rotate my chair to go left and right, and only use my hands for rotating up and down. Though it's not quite like virtual reality, it certainly creates a similar feeling through the unique perspective that you acquire.

I definitely recommend that other people try this out. Though it seems more useful for entertainment, I feel like it could be used for school if there were videos showing 3D tours of locations (perhaps exotic countries or simply college tours). Finally, I will link to three videos that I recommend trying with this feature.

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